The process of expanding your business inevitably gives rise to a whole array of challenges. As a growing enterprise, many difficulties can be addressed with the addition of an integrated business software solution, but this also raises the issue of selecting the right one for your business.


In many cases, businesses look to software to solve a short-term challenge instead of one which will address the challenges of the wider company. This leaves many companies running with incongruent systems across departments, such as Payroll, CRM, reporting, supply chain and cash flow management.


It is easy to get stuck in old patterns of working, which are largely ineffective because the thought of making a large change is overwhelming. This article will break down how the use of Opera 3 SE SQL can better integrate departments and make a business operate more effectively as one entity.



Greater productivity

Regardless of how motivated your employees may be, if they spend a large proportion of their time using multiple systems and out-of-date processes, then relatively short tasks can end up being a massive drain on time.


Working with a fully integrated solution like Opera 3 SE SQL can hugely increase the efficiency of a business, with every employee across each department working on the same platform. For example, financial data can be pulled across spreadsheets electronically and in real-time, saving both time and risk of error in project accounting.


Better visibility

When information is stored across disparate systems, finding and extracting data can become time-consuming and laborious, which can lead to errors in translation or delays in decision-making. Ill spent time hinders any company from excelling and developing, which is why it is so important to have up to date and accurate information.


A unified solution promises to keep your foot on the ball with access to real-time data from all corners of the business instantaneously. The bill of materials module, for example, features automatic works order generation from sales orders or re-order levels. This can help employees to make timely decisions and progress the business in a more efficient manner.


Fuel for growth

A common knot that organisations with stand-alone systems get twisted into is the inability to grow as their systems do not interact and update with each other.


For a business to expand, it is essential that the business uses a system that works with the business and not against it. The business intelligence module’s dynamic dashboard allows you to easily access the information held in Opera 3 SQL SE to analyse, manipulate and report on your own data. Any reports created can be saved for future use and will be updated with the latest information with a simple click of a button. This system can give you the insights needed to propel your business forward.


Flexible working

Pegasus Opera 3 SQL SE is an integrated solution compatible with cloud technologies, which grants you and your employees the flexibility and freedom to manage the business from anywhere on the globe, at any time. It is a truly revolutionary way to operate your business.



A rapidly growing enterprise needs a solution which can match the pace of their growth. Opera 3 SE SQL enables your business to add applications and users as and when required, making a perfectly tailored solution.


As well as growing alongside your business, Opera 3 SQL SE can help to accelerate your ability to scale by keeping track of job costs and revenues against budgets. The project accounting module groups jobs costs under headings or phases, helping to stay in control of the total project budget. This saves admin time and streamlines processes by transferring timesheets for work on jobs directly into Payroll on employee records.



The use of disparate systems across departments often creates more work than it saves, holding many organisations back from progressing. Opera 3 SE SQL offers a solution that is easy to implement and unifies all business functions. Take a look to see how Opera 3 SE SQL can work for you.